Is Ayurvedic treatment a sure-shot solution for high creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste compound that is produced due to muscle metabolism. It's a byproduct of creatine, an essential substance that provides strength to muscles. Being a waste substance, it needs to be eliminated from your bloodstream; kidneys do the function for the body. Healthy kidneys remove wastes including creatinine from the blood and send them out of the body through urine. That's the reason, serum creatinine level in the blood is also considered to check kidneys' functionality. Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine works well in reducing creatinine levels naturally. 

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine

Having a high creatinine level is not harmful on its own but it may indicate other health problems mainly chronic kidney disease. If you have a temporarily high creatinine level in the blood, it may be the result of any habit like intake of high protein amounts, drinking, strenuous workout, and a few more. A temporary rise in creatinine levels needs no dedicated treatment. However, high creatinine associated with any kidney disease requires proper and timely treatment.

What does a creatinine level test consist of?

In order to measure creatinine level, Urine tests are conducted. For a period of 24 hours, your doctor tells you to collect your urine sample and provide it. This test helps detect the amount of creatinine present in urine. Then the obtained creatinine value is compared to the creatinine present in your blood. By this comparison, your doctor can confirm how well your kidneys are performing creatinine clearance. 

While in most cases, regular blood tests are conducted to measure your creatinine level. With this test, your doctor can determine the level of wastes present in your bloodstream. If it exceeds the normal serum creatinine levels, he may suggest you take the same test for a couple of days more. 

If the doctor suspects you of any kidney disease, then he may suggest a Kidney functioning test that consists of some Imaging tests and Renal Biopsy sometimes.

Along with treatment, some diet-related tips can be helpful in lowering creatinine levels naturally. A few of them are;

Intake Green tea.

Taking herbal or green tea consists of some natural ingredients like chamomile, dandelion root, nettle leaf primarily work as natural diuretics that promote the elimination of creatinine from the blood. 

Keep yourself well-hydrated.

Dehydration may also cause creatinine levels to spike up. So taking a good amount of liquid mainly water can be beneficial as well.

Lower intake of Protein in the diet.

As mentioned above that high protein levels may also increase your creatinine level so cutting back on the protein in a diet can help reduce creatinine level naturally.

Take sodium to a limit.

High sodium diet is the main cause of high blood pressure and fluid retention which can raise your creatinine level. So, choose a low sodium diet if you want to reduce your creatinine level naturally.

Take a sound sleep.

During a good sleep state, the body's metabolic rate gets down and so the creatinine level in the blood.

However certain foods are found to be effective in reducing creatinine levels. These tips are helpful for patients who have a little rise in their creatinine levels. But if there is a significant rise in your serum creatinine level, one should opt for the best Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine.

Why choose Ayurveda for high creatinine

Ayurveda is a holistic treatment that works on the underlying causes of a disease to offer a permanent cure. This natural healing system has a better treatment approach that works on different aspects of a disease and thus it's the most effective cure till now. These days, it is used as an alternative system of medicine due to a lack of sufficient awareness about it. Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine does the same task as it helps reduce and normalize creatinine levels naturally. If we look at the main tools of Ayurvedic treatment, they are herbal medicines, ancient therapies, and few Yoga stances. Additionally, the treatment also suggests a personalized diet chart to the patients. Using a personalized set of these practices, your doctor can help you get your normal creatinine level back again. This natural treatment method is the most effective and holistic way to reduce creatinine levels. The best part of Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine is that it offers a lasting relief without causing any side effects on your health.

But if you choose the Allopathic treatment method, it can reduce your creatinine level for some time but it can’t offer lasting relief. Many side-effects are associated with this treatment as well.


Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine is a completely safe treatment method that offers a lasting cure to high creatinine and reduces it safely. So, opt for the best Ayurvedic hospital that can provide Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine.


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