What is The Leading Treatment For Urinary Tract Infection?

People nowadays are not aware of the threats that an infection can cause in their body. Every year more than 1.7 billion people in the world are diagnosed with an infection and some infections are even not treatable. As a result the survival rate decreases. Every year new infections come with a strike and take a lot of lives. These infections can infect people of any age, caste, ethnicity or colour. Some people can fight the infections but older people are challenged to suffer from the rising complications.

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections that has been taking a toll on people's lives. One in three people is infected with this type of health condition.

What is a urinary tract infection?

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is caused by microbes. These microbes are so tiny that they can only be seen through a microscope. Urinary tract infection is detected in any part of your urinary system. The urinary system consists of major organs that play a crucial role in the process of elimination of waste products and excess fluids in the form of urine.

urinary tract infection

Your systematic chain of urinary systems include kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. Urinary tract infection can cause a whole lot of complications in the functions of these organs. The bacteria that cause UTI can pass from lower tracts to your upper tracts. The role of bacteria is to grow more and more until it reaches other organs through your blood. Severe complications can arise if UTI reaches your upper tract.While they are treatable with Ayurvedic treatment for urinary tract infection.

What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?

Symptoms of urinary tract infection vary from person to person. As it can infect four different parts of your urinary system. That is why symptoms depend on the progression of infection in those parts. If it has reached the kidneys then it can disrupt the management of functioning and creates negative impacts on your body. Kidneys are the whole balance of your body. These multitasking organs are responsible for filtering your blood, balancing electrolytes and managing your blood pressure. When the bacteria reach the kidneys, the maliciousness of the infection can create a disarrangement in the duties of kidneys. As result blood would not be filtered and infected bacteria can travel through your bloodstream to other organs in your body. Due to which a lot of complications along with symptoms can arise. Symptoms of urinary tract infection in the lower tract includes :

  • Burning sensation during urination.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • Strong and persistent urge to urinate.
  • Bloody urine.
  • The unusual appearance of urine (foamy or Bubbly).
  • A strong odour of urine.
  • Cola coloured urine. 
  • Detection of pelvic pain in women and rectal pain in men.

UTI can affect the functions of kidneys which can bring life-threatening issues. If the bacteria that is responsible for the infection metastasize to other organs.

If your kidneys are infected (acute pyelonephritis) then signs and symptoms are back pain, high fever, shaking and chills, nausea and vomiting.

When an infection in your bladder (cystitis) occurs, it can cause symptoms like pelvic pressure, discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain during urine, blood in the urine.

If your urethra is infected (urethritis) then symptoms like burning while urinating and a discharge can be detected.

Ayurvedic treatment for urinary tract infection suppresses the rising symptoms as they can create complications during the treatment.

What are the causes of urinary tract infection?

Urinary tract infections are the crucial reason why women are advised to keep their intimate organs clean after urinating or bowel movements. Therefore these are the most common UTI that occurs mainly in women and provides irreparable damage to the targeted urinary parts. They are as follows :

  • Cystitis: This is an infection that targets the bladder which is caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli) generally. It is a type of bacteria that is detected in the gastrointestinal (G.I) tract. Coitus can be a reason for the infection. Almost all women are at risk of developing this condition as the shape of their anatomy presents a shorter distance from the urethra to the anus.
  • Urethritis: The vagina is closer to the urethra. So sexual transmitted infections that transfer through the vagina can also be the foundation of urethritis. Another reason for the occurrence of urethritis is when GI bacteria advances from the anus to the urethra.

Ayurvedic treatment for urinary tract infection can help in decreasing its acuteness in your urinary system.

How can you prevent urinary tract infections?

Urinary tract infections are most common which is why preventive measures should be taken to avoid the impairment that they can cause to kidneys and other organs. The following steps can help you in reducing the risk of UTI:

  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids especially water as it helps in keeping the toxins out of your urine. Whereas bacterias are flushed from the urinary tract. Because frequently urinating by drinking water work in filtering your bladder from time to time.
  • UTI usually begins from the lower to the upper tract. That is why cleaning your intimate parts after urinating or any sexual activity can keep the microscopic bacterias that are the main causes of Urinary tract infection out of your urinary system.
  • Avoid feminine products or intimate washes as they contain harmful chemical substances which can prove to be irritating for your vagina.

Ayurvedic treatment for urinary tract infection provides herbal and organic intimate washes that do not contain any harmful chemicals. They have no side effects. They can help in balancing the PH and hygienic levels of your intimate parts. The vagina is a self cleaner but the effects of UTI can damage its ability to clean. That is why Natural intimate washes are recommended instead of harmful chemical-based washes.


What is the leading treatment for urinary tract infection?

A person with a urinary tract infection can experience a lot of annoyance and irritation due to the complications and symptoms that arise as the infection metastasizes. If the patient is prescribed drug-based medicines then the rate of irritation can increase as these medicines contain harmful substances which are made by using certain chemicals. Chemicals create irritation and annoyance which causes many complications. So medicines play a crucial role in the treatment of urinary tract infection.

Ayurvedic treatment for Urinary tract infection prescribes medicines that do not create any eccentric effects on your body. The medicines are formed by pure and organic herbs. These herbal medicines are free of side effects and do not contain any harmful substances that can affect your urinary system. The medicines can also help in preventing your major organs from failing due to the damage caused by infection. It decreases its growth and flushes all the increasing bacterias out of your body. Ayurvedic doctors recommend a healthy and hygienic lifestyle which can help in maintaining the health of your intimate parts. Some foods are restricted as they cause itchiness and irritation in the intimate parts. They also restrict the use of any harmful products as the chemicals within them are contagious.

Doctor Puneet, A kidney specialist has also offered a line of effective natural treatments that helps in keeping your intimate parts healthy. The preventive measures in Ayurvedic treatment for urinary tract infection can work as a defence system to prevent the damage that is caused by the infection to the kidney and Ayurveda becomes the hero in destructing and stopping the growth of infected microscopic bacterias in your body.


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